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The picture shows a man in a light blue CALIDA short-sleeved shirt sitting with his eyes closed. His right leg is bent and his head is resting on his arm as he remains in a relaxed pose. This suggests a power nap, allowing the man to take a short break to recharge his batteries and regenerate.

The power nap: boost energy with a short nap

Love your midday nap, but often don’t feel rested afterwards? Why don’t you try a power nap? This is a particularly short nap that helps most people to concentrate and perform better.

June 26, 2024 • 5 min reading time

Two women embrace head to head on the left, while a woman on the right puts her arm around her head. They are all wearing a white bodysuit from CALIDA.

Yoga exercises for couples: seven yoga poses for beginners' & advanced level

The Indian teaching of yoga is popular all over the world. It provides inner balance and improves physical being – and it doesn’t have to be done alone. Do you and your partner often have your hands full in everyday life and rarely have time for each other? Do you sometimes lose your connection? Or do you just want to try something new? Then the following yoga exercises are great for doing together. Have fun!

June 21, 2024 • 4 min reading time

A woman with closed eyes and black hair lies on a white background. She is wearing a white bodysuit by CALIDA and has her hands above her head. Her pose radiates calm and serenity.

Why do we talk in our sleep?

Does your partner regularly tell you over breakfast what you supposedly said in your sleep? Many of those who talk in their sleep find it hard to believe their nocturnal monologues, because they are completely unaware of them. But in fact, far more people are affected by so-called somniloquy than you think. Find out why we talk in our sleep and whether you can do anything about it.

June 19, 2024 • 5 min reading time

The picture shows a bed with two pillows and blankets, illuminated by a ray of sunlight. Next to the bed is a bedside table with a mirror, a picture and flowers. The room looks cosy and inviting.

Fallen out of bed? These could be the causes!

When was the last time you fell out of bed? Most people can no longer answer this question. Nevertheless, parents in particular are worried that their children might fall out of bed and take appropriate precautions. Find out why this fear is justified in the case of children and under what circumstances adults can fall out of bed, too.

June 12, 2024 • 3 min reading time

Woman sitting sideways and looking at the camera. She is wearing a white tank top and has half removed her jogging pants.

Sweating and hot flushes? Sleep through the night again

Waking up in a sweat at night is usually down to one of two causes: a disturbing nightmare, or simply that the bedding is too warm. But hot flushes at night are not a normal occurrence. Or are they? In fact, many women experience hot flushes at night during their menopause. This is because of hormonal changes that take place between the ages of 45 and 55. Find out exactly how female hormones affect the body, what you can do about sweating at night, and why men can also suffer from hot flushes at night.

May 22, 2024 • 5 min reading time

In the picture, a woman is lying on her side in bed, her eyes are closed and her face shows signs of relaxation. The woman is covered by a grey blanket that is draped gently over her body. A white pillow lies under her head, providing soft support. The scene radiates calm and serenity as the woman lingers in a moment of peace and tranquillity.

The perfect afternoon nap: how long is healthy?

A midday nap restores energy and keeps you going until the evening – at least that’s what we hope for. If you often feel even more tired after a nap and struggle to get going, it can be because you’ve had the wrong amount of sleep. We’ll fill you in on how long a midday nap should last and what else can get you out of your midday slump.

May 15, 2024 • 3 min reading time

A pregnant woman stands sideways to the camera. Her eyes are closed. She is wearing underwear from CALIDA.

What position should you sleep in during pregnancy? Peaceful nights with a baby bump

Many women complain of restless nights during pregnancy. At some point, the growing baby bump restricts freedom of movement, making sleeping on your usual side uncomfortable. Symptoms like heartburn, restless legs and vena cava syndrome can also disrupt your sleep. We’ll fill you in on which sleeping position is the best and a few tips to help you with poor sleep during pregnancy.

May 6, 2024 • 5 min reading time

The picture shows a man lying on his side on the floor. His upper body is resting on his outstretched right arm while he supports his face with his left hand. The dark blue CALIDA nightwear he is wearing envelops his body and lends the picture a calm atmosphere. His left leg is slightly bent, giving the picture a relaxed and comfortable position.

Improving your sleep hygiene: eight top rules and tips

If sleep problems dominate your days and nights, you have probably stumbled across the term ‘sleep hygiene’ in your search for solutions. But what does sleep hygiene actually mean, and how do you ‘clean up’ your sleep? We explain why sleep hygiene is not just about freshly washed bed linen and how you can improve your sleep with eight simple tips.

April 24, 2024 • 5 min reading time

Man lies on his arm with his eyes closed. He is wearing a light blue sleep shirt from CALIDA.

Why is sleep important? The effects of sleep deprivation

People spend just under a third of their lives sleeping, and the fact that sleep is essential seems self-explanatory. Today, we’ll explain why this regenerative process is so important and what sleep deprivation does to our mind and body. You’ll learn why we sleep and how just one poor night’s sleep can affect your well-being.

April 10, 2024 • 6 min reading time

Feel-good sleep scene: person under blankets, focus on ideal sleeping temperature.

The ideal temperature for a restful sleep

If you have trouble falling asleep at night or often wake up during the night, you should check the temperature in your bedroom. It is not uncommon for a bedroom temperature that is too high or too low to have a negative impact on sleep quality. To help you get a restful night’s sleep, we tell you not only what the ideal temperature for sleep is, but also how to regulate this during summer and winter.

March 13, 2024 • 5 min reading time

White and light blue CALIDA CATE T-shirt bra

Bra too small or too big? Signs you’re wearing the wrong size bra

Many women are bothered every day by bras that pinch, or bustiers that look unflattering on their breasts. Many are unaware that the reason for this is usually that they’ve got the wrong bra size. Even if your standard cup size is a perfect fit for one brand, the same size can be too big or too small with other manufacturers and styles. Read on for the signs suggesting you have the wrong bra size!

February 21, 2024 • 4 min reading time

Woman lying on the floor and supporting herself with her elbows. The picture is black and white. She is wearing a gray sweatshirt.

Exercise before bed: the impact of evening workouts

When everyday life is strictly scheduled and full of appointments, many people only have time for sport and exercise in the evening. The question often arises as to whether a workout before going to bed could have a negative impact on sleep quality. After all, exercise gives our cardiovascular system a real boost. But does exercising before going to bed actually make us feel more alert? We explain what you should consider during your evening workout!

January 31, 2024 • 6 min reading time