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Legal notice, the official CALIDA online-shop, is operated by:

Calida Group Digital GmbH
Gewerbepark BWB 2
83052 Bruckmühl


Managing Director: Thomas Baumberger, David Müller
District court: Traunstein HRB 19548

Sales tax identification number: DE 815128474

Telephone: +49 8062 72133-10
Fax: +49 8062 72133-499*
*rates differ according to country/provider

E-mail: [email protected]

We ([email protected]) draw your attention to the following: The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform (OS). It can be accessed at this e-mail address: Please note that we are neither prepared nor obliged to participate in a dispute settlement procedure conducted by consumer arbitration bodies as per the Consumer Dispute Settlement Act (VSBG).