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CALIDA voucher codes

CALIDA 10 % Newsletter Gutschein 

CALIDA 10% newsletter voucher

Get a 10% discount on your next purchase for subscribing free of charge to the CALIDA newsletter. As a newsletter subscriber, you will be among the first to learn about new products and exclusive deals at calida.com.

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Enjoy exclusive benefits and discounts as part of our friends+forever loyalty programme. Collect points online, and use them as a discount on the orders you place at CALIDA.

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Bis zu 50% sparen

Save up to 50%

Shop during our sale and receive a discount of up to 50% on selected products. Save money right now during the sale at CALIDA  even if you do not have a discount coupon or voucher code.

Enjoy free shipping

CALIDA will ship your order worldwide – even free of charge in EU countries. We will ship every order free of charge. You do not need an extra code as a result. Enjoy free returns within 30 days.

friends+forever: Exklusive Angebote erhalten und Punkte sammeln
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Review our products and take advantage of the chance to win a €50 voucher applicable to all valid reviews.

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Receive your personal 10% newsletter voucher for the official CALIDA online shop. Get other discounts, and remain up to date about other campaigns.

How can I redeem my CALIDA shop discount code?
Check the vouchers being used in our campaigns, and copy the code. Browse through our shop, and discover the high-quality product range of CALIDA. Place your dream items in your basket. Enter the discount code in the basket under the total price, and activate the voucher. The discount will then be immediately applied to your order. 

Where can I redeem my CALIDA voucher?
Shop in the CALIDA online shop, and fill your basket with the products you like. In the basket, you will see the gratis product being offered as part of a campaign that you can add free of charge. Or you can enter the voucher code for the discount in the appropriate field in the basket.

Where can I obtain a CALIDA voucher?
You will find all current vouchers, discounts, campaigns and the respective codes here. Browse through our CALIDA product range, and discover the new collections, the latest trends and basics for your everyday life.