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Your loyalty will be rewarded!


Become a member.

Collect points.

Enjoy benefits.

We'll give you 500 welcome points!

Ready for the most exclusive shopping experience for the most comfortable underwear? Welcome to the CALIDA CLUB! Here you can expect free shipping, simplified returns, personal service and much more. As a thank you for your loyalty, you will receive 5 points for every 1 CHF/EUR you spend in our online store and in all CALIDA stores and outlets worldwide. For every 1000 points, we will give you a loyalty bonus worth 10 CHF/EUR, which you can redeem anywhere at CALIDA. 

And best of all: we'll give you 500 welcome points for your registration!

Collect valuable points:

A yellow symbol with a handshake

Every purchase is worthwhile.

Receive 5 points per 1 CHF/EUR purchase value in the CALIDA online store and in every CALIDA store and CALIDA outlet worldwide - including sale items and promotions.

A yellow symbol with a handshake

More points, more benefits.

Every point you collect brings you closer to a status upgrade: as a GOLD member, you can enjoy additional benefits and services from just 2000 points collected.

A yellow symbol with a handshake

A loyalty reward that suits you

A full 1000 points correspond to a loyalty bonus of 10 CHF/EUR. Your points remain valid for 2 years.

A yellow symbol with a handshake

Pay with points.

Simply select the “Redeem loyalty reward” option in the online store to redeem your points. In CALIDA stores and outlets, our staff will do this for you.

Enjoy exclusive benefits:

As soon as you register, you will benefit from free shipping, members-only promotions, advance access to our sales and more. You automatically become a GOLD member when you collect just 2000 points and enjoy additional benefits such as our concierge service.


  • 500 welcome points 

  • Exclusive offers several times a year

  • Early access to the private sale

  • Free shipping on orders

  • Access to member-only promotions

  • 30 days simplified return in the store without receipt

  • Learn about new products and promotions in advance

  • Points are valid for two years


All the benefits of SILVER status plus:

  • Exclusive welcome gift: We will reward your GOLD membership with a surprise gift

  • VIP Early Access: Discover new collections before anyone else and get inspired 

  • Concierge Service: Our experts will advise you personally and individually

  • Benefit from the GOLD advantages for a full two years

  • Additional benefits and exclusive competitions

Discover our assortment.