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Friends+Forever: Collect loyalty points, enjoy exclusive benefits

Our loyalty program FRIENDS+FOREVER

Friends+Forever is our loyalty program that offers you a range of benefits. Every time you shop, you collect loyalty points that can be redeemed for loyalty rewards. You also get access to exclusive promotions, a special birthday surprise and the opportunity to collect and redeem points both online and in participating stores. Registration is simple and can be done directly during the purchase process online or in our stores.

friends forever
  • Promotional benefits & vouchers: Members receive regular benefits on selected products and special offers.

  • Individual product recommendations: Members receive personalized suggestions that meet their needs.

  • Birthday gifts: Every member receives a special gift on their birthday.

  • Loyalty points: With every purchase, members collect points that can be converted into discounts.

Become part of the CALIDA community. It's worth registering for the Friends+Forever program!