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Legal notice, the official CALIDA online-shop, is operated by:

Calida Group Digital GmbH
Gewerbepark BWB 2
83052 Bruckmühl


Managing Director: Thomas Baumberger, David Müller
District court: Traunstein HRB 19548

Sales tax identification number: FR 822762985

Extended Producer Responsibility number: FR281522_01APZK

Telephone: +49 8062 72133-10

Fax: +49 8062 72133-499*
*rates differ according to country/provider

E-mail: [email protected]

We ([email protected]) would like to provide you with the following information: The European Commission has set up an online-dispute-resolution platform.

You will find this platform at the following address:

You will also find useful information for consumers involved in international disputes on the website of the French Commission to Evaluate and Monitor Consumer Dispute Resolution (CECMC). It also includes the contact information of the European Consumer Centre in France and details regarding the support that is available to consumers who want to resolve disputes out of court: