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A partnership that’s worthwhile

Sharing success - Partner program of

Advertise on your website and benefit from attractive commissions!

It’s this easy:

Calida Affiliate Programm

Step 1

You integrate advertisements on your website

Step 2

A user clicks on the advertisement ...

Step 3

... and makes a purchase at

Step 4

You get your commission

How to partner with

  1. Submit a free application to the partner program at [email protected] or apply directly via our partner network

  2. We then check and approve your application

  3. Choose advertising material that suits your website from our wide selection and integrate it with your content

  4. Every sale generated by the advert on your site earns you commission.

Your benefits when you partner with

  • Up to 12% commission per sale

  • Ø basket 100 €

  • Cookie expiry date 30 days

  • Comprehensive, up-to-date product data as csv file

  • Personal support from our affiliate team

Discover our assortment.